Chemistry Sets for Children: MelChemistry Science Kits for Kids, Order in UK

14.12.2015 6459

A Chemistry set may make a great gift for an older child who is interested in science. The MelChemistry sets are subscription-based, safe and with detailed text, video and mobile app instructions for each of the 38 experiments.

How it workds:

- Subscription - enter your address and payment information online at - it is possible to cancel subscription at any moment


- Starter Kit - in the first delivery comes the Starter Kit, which includes the main equipment and the first two experiment sets




- Three new experiments every month - at the beginning of each month, subscribers continue to  receive three new sets with new experiments

- Enjoy fun science on weekends with kids - it is recommended to open a new set every weekend (with one "free" week per month). The well thought out Chemistry experiments really work to bring the whole family together, with the adults supervising and kids learning together.


Learn more about the MelChemistry science kids for kids aged 12 and older:


Order your MelChemistry subscription today!


Call for more information in UK: +44 203 695 1721.

Email: [email protected]

Blog post from: MelScience UK

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