Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, the Pompidou Centre in Paris, France
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  • Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, the Pompidou Centre in Paris, France
Paris, place Georges Pompidou, Centre Georges Pompidou
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+33 1 44 78 ...
Mon: 11:00 - 22:00 (Other days)
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The Pompidou Centre is located in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. It is often referred to as the Beaubourg, by the name of the street.


The centre hosts the Modern Art Museum, the library and the media library, concert and exhibition halls. In summer the Stravinsky Fountain with water-spraying sculptures is open to the visitors. Street performers often come here too.


Children from 3 to 12 years old can attend workshops, excursions and lectures about modern art. The timetable of the events is available on the official website.


The Mobile Pompidou Centre regularly visits different cities in France.



Last updated 27.02.2018

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13 july 2016
Family Vacation in Paris: What to See and Do with Kids in the Capital of France?

Family Vacation in Paris: What to See and Do with Kids in the Capital of France?

Learn the secrets of great magicians and direct airplanes in the world’s oldest aviation museum, enjoy the attractions at Disneyland, and explore the Pampas of Patagonia, meet the Phantom of the Opera and Quasimodo in a dark and gloomy mansion, go visit Asterix and Obelisk, stroll through all regions of France in one day, and visit a knights jousting tournament - for information about all this and more entertainment in Paris for the whole family read our review.

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