Winners Kids-friendly Business Award 2015: |
![]() en: MEL Science offers subscription-based science experiments for children aged 12 and older. Science sets are delivered home in the course of 12 months (38 sets altogether), and include all the necessary equipment for making experiments, as well as graphic and video instructions. All experiments are to be carried out under the supervision of adults. Kids can see crystals and molecules through 3D goggles with the help of MEL Chemistry apps for iOS or Android, take photos with special lenses using their mobile phones and upload them online.
ru: Компания MEL Science предоставляет подписку на наборы для проведения химических экспериментов с детьми 12-16 лет. Наборы включают в себя все необходимое для опытов, а также графические и видеоинструкции.
![]() en: In the AHHAA interactive Science Centre guests can make their own experiments and check physical laws. In the Technologies Hall they can ride a bike on a slackline, raise themselves with the help of a hawser; in the Living Nature Hall it is possible to explore the ant hill from inside and watch chicken hatching. There are also exhibitions that change every half a year in the centre.
![]() en: Sirius Sport Resort is a kids-friendly sports recreation complex located in in Pyhtää, Finland. The resort was launched in July of 2013, and is a home to a wind-tunnel, a flowrider (an artificial wave for surfing), a rope course, a kids-friendly restaurant, a café, a Champagne Bar, and a sportswear shop of the Norwegian brand Kari Traa (souvenirs, surfing and flying gear), a conference hall and a kids play station.
ru: Развлекательный комплекс Sirius Sport Resort работает с июля 2013 года. "Сириус" включает аэродинамическую трубу, флоурайдер (искусственная волна для катания на серфе), веревочный парк, ресторан, кафе, Champagne Bar, магазин спортивной одежды норвежской марки Kari Traa, сувениров и принадлежностей для полета и серфинга, конференц-зал и небольшой детский уголок.
![]() en: Fireman Center mini hotel is located in Saari (64 km away from the Savonlinna Airport). The hotel is styled as a fire station. The total number of rooms is 6, including two rooms for families of 4 and 5 people and one family apartment for 2 adults and 2 kids with a separate exit to the courtyard with an individual barbeque zone.