The Concordia Language Villages, foreign languages for children and adults in Minnesota, USA
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  • The Concordia Language Villages, foreign languages for children and adults in Minnesota, USA
USA, Minnesota, Moorhead, 8th Street South, 901
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4-6, 7-10, 11-15, 16-18, For parents
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The Concordia Language Villages organizes programs and camps for kids aged over 6 years old, teenagers and adults in Minnesota. There are camps for families, children, youth, and programs for people of any ages and abilities, including corporate events. 15 languages are available for studying in the villages of Сoncordia: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.


Program participants study not only the language itself, but also culture in the global contexts. A model of the society, from which the studied language originates from, is created in the village: everything from music to dishes can reflect a certain culture. The use of electronic devices is limited during most programs. Concordia's philosophy and main purpose is to introduce its students to the global cultures, and help them to become real citizens of the world.


The duration of programs ranges from 1 day to 4 weeks.


Last updated 18.01.2017

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