The Leo's Playground Tampere, entertainment park for kids and parents, Finland

  • The Leo's Playground Tampere, entertainment park for kids and parents, Finland
Finland, Tampere, Sellukatu 8 (Lielahti)
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Sat: 10:00 - 19:00 (Other days)
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1-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-15, 16-18, For parents
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Leo's Playground in Tampere is one of the Leo's entertainment parks. There are various attractions for active games, trampolines, sport fields for football, floorball, basketball, etc. Also there is a cafe. Kid's of 4-7 years can join the parkour and climbing courses.

Kid's birthday party can be arranged in the park.
Last updated 15.11.2024
Leo's Playground Lahti
Finland, Lahti, Paussi 1 (Renkomäki)
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Leo's Playground Pori
Finland, Pori, Paanakedonkatu 16-18 (Herralahti)
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Leo's Playground Turku
Finland, Turku, Kalevantie 39 (рядом с Itäharjun Prisma)
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Leo's Playground Jyväskylä
Finland, Jyväskylä, Alasinkatu 7 (Seppälä)
+358 14-3620 ...
Leo's Playground Espoo
Finland, Espoo, Sinimäentie 20
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Leo's Playground Kempele
Finland, Kempele, Honkasentie 15 (рядом с торговым центром Zeppelin)
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