Varlaxudden Porvoo, Fågelboet cape, recreation area with shelters, walking trail and open sea view, Uusimaa 484
Finland, Emäsalo, Emäsalontie 1420
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0-1, 1-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-15, 16-18, For parents
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The Varlaxudden recreation area near Porvoo has been beautifully renovated in 2023. There is a walking track connecting two parking areas to the seashore, and leading all the way to the Fågelboet cape. Visitors have access to a dry toilet and firewood, there are shelters and grilling places with sea view.
The sea around Varlaxudden is rocky and shallow, thus it is not suitable for boating or paddling. The outdoor recreation area is quite small - the distance from parking area to seashore is only about 150 meters. The parking area and road are maintained during winter time.
Last updated 18.06.2023
See also in this area:
Finland, Helsinki, Linnanrakentajantie 12, Museum of Herttoniemi Manor
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